Saturday, July 13, 2013

day twelve ... 9:00PM...

Magical light nights and quixotic silhouettes on the horizon... Dreams of hope... a cozy spot to stay a little while, some fresh beverage after a busy week, mom reading a precious fairy tale. Friday night, a happy land for our inner child. Thanks for showing us 9:00PM through your eyes...  It was a joy to be there with all of you!


top row: @melvanius @bal93

 Don't forget to check out this post if you are interested in being a part of the 'July Photo Challenge', all you need is a phone to take the photos and edit on. Find us on Instagram and tag your photos #JulyPhotoChallengefPOE for a chance to be featured! Remember to visit the beautiful work of these talented artists available on Etsy.

Have a peaceful Sunday wherever you are! xx <3


Thank you so much for visiting. We love your supportive comments!