Stepping on leaves of grass, let the gentle breeze brings the soft smell of earth to you... Inspire. Aspire to nothing, but the flexibility of air. Run your fingers through the smooth textures, they don't resist... We can learn from them... Tasting freedom as a creamy treat. Laying down your head on a comfortable pillow of feathers, let yourself be.
Thank you all for sharing the (almost) palpable softness of your images!
Don't forget to check out this post if you are interested in being a part of the 'July Photo Challenge', all you need is a phone to take the photos and edit on. Find us on Instagram and tag your photos #JulyPhotoChallengefPOE for a chance to be featured! Remember to visit the beautiful work of these talented artists available on Etsy.
Hope you all have a productive, pleasant week ahead! xx <3
So amazing :) T.